
Supreme Motors Auto Consignment Program
Selling a used car can be a very hard task. If you’re like most people, you like to have the most money for your vehicle, but you don’t have much time on your hands to deal with the hassle of selling it. We make the process easier by choosing our auto consignment program, which offers the best of both worlds: more money than a dealership trade-in and less hassle than selling it yourself. When selling a used vehicle, selling thru us always will generate more money than selling or trading in to a dealership. Unfortunately, selling a vehicle yourself comes with lots of hassles, obstacles and some risks that most people would prefer to avoid.
Auto consignment, a growing trend in the used car market, provides the value of the private market without the hassles related with sell by owner used car market.
There are several significant advantages to consigning your car instead of selling it yourself, here are just a few:
(1) Ensuring your personal safety and security

Selling a car yourself often requires you to take time off from work, find a safe meeting place, and use your valuable free time waiting for a potential buyer to show up. Supreme Motors has a convenient retail location in the heart of Westside Costa Mesa and stores most, if not all inventory, indoors. We are a bonded, licensed and insured vehicle retailer. We also employ a staff dedicated to handling the unusual schedules of potential buyers so that you can focus on work, enjoy your free time with friends or family and be confident that your car is getting maximum exposure to buyers while stored indoor.
(2) Saving your valuable time

Our facility is open six days a week to handle all buyer inquiries, which can be frequent and time consuming. Most buyers will have a big list of questions that they’ll want answered before they even come and see a car. They may want a mechanic to take a look at it. They may want specific pictures sent to them or warranty information. They will also ask about trade in values and financing availability. Our dealership is staffed to handle all buyer questions and issues so that you don’t have to, and once a qualified buyer is identified our team will do all the prep work to make sure your car is ready for primetime.
(3) We’ll professionally prepare and market your vehicle for you

Buyers will be cross-shopping your car against others, some of which are being sold by sales professionals at dealerships, it’s hard for you to compete with that, so let Supreme do the work for you. We’ll expertly prepare your vehicle for sales, including all of the following: · Safety and smog inspections · Performing a full showroom detail · Capture professional photographs · Compose well-written marketing listings · Publish photographs and listings on all the major car-buying websites including,,,, and others. · Supreme’s trained staff will then professionally present your car to prospective buyers. Supreme Motors auto consignment program will ultimately costs you absolutely nothing. No upfront fees, if we can’t sell your car you pay us nothing (except some reconditioning cost if it was needed on your vehicle).

What To Bring · Vehicle title or lien payoff statement. · Valid driver’s license or ID of registered owner(s) · All keys and fobs. · Current vehicle registration. · Current vehicle insurance.
Consignment Process Flow
Price: we’ll review the latest market data pulled through our online appraisal systems and work with you to best price your car so that it’s attractive to buyers but gets you the proceeds you need.

Prepare Your Car We have our vendors perform a safety inspection, smog check, fully detail the vehicle & take photos to prepare your car for display and sale.

Advertise We’ll market your car on the most effective automotive broadcasting channels like Car Gurus, Auto Trader, Carfax, TrueCar, CarsForSale and others so your car gets maximum exposure.

Manage Buyers We answer buyers’ questions 24/7, schedule showings, go on test drives, & negotiate, all on your behalf. Don’t worry - you always have a final say on the sales price; we just do all the work in the meantime.

Get Paid Once your car is retailed we’ll pay off your loan, if there is one, and remit any additional proceeds electronically to your bank account or mail you a check.